hi – 09sep

Hi. Permalinking is now a bit more functional and obvious. Let me know if anything isn’t working like it should. I’ve added a few more dates to my sidebar calendar. I’m sending my registration today for the Dartmouth conference in October. I’ve also been invited to somehow give a talk at a New Librarians Symposium in Adelaide Australia in December. This will probably take place via some sort of teleconference, but maybe, just maybe, I can get some funding and go. If anyone has any creative ideas on how to raise funds for a plane ticket to Australia, please let me know.

Posted in hi

Borges bio review

The Economist reviews a new Borges biography.

It is a challenge to write a biography of a man who did little more than read and think, whose myopia turned to blindness in middle age, who was an auto-didact whose only real job was as a librarian, and who lived with his mother and her housekeeper in a poky Buenos Aires flat until she died at 99, when he was 75. Shortly before that, he wrote gloomily: “My father’s library has been the chief event in my life…the truth is that I have never emerged from it.”

do you have YOUR card?

I spent the day at work on Tuesday working on my outreach display for National Library Card Sign-up Month. We have a lot of storefronts in the downtown area that are vacant. I spoke to the real estate agency that handles them and asked if we could use one of the windows — the one by the bus stop — for a library display. They said “sure” so now we have our READ posters and lots and lots of information about our library cards available to people who might not want to schlep up the hill to learn about them otherwise.

Posted in me!

does your library have enough copies of the 9/11 report?

How many copies of the 9/11 Commission Report does your library have? Massachusetts Representative William Delahunt, hearing that his constituents were having trouble getting the book from their libraries bought copies for all 60 public libraries in his district. It was also heartening to hear that some libraries were showing their patrons how to access the content of the book on the internet as a backup. [thanks kate]