two australian links

One of my not-right-away plans once my job is done is to go back to Australia and do some consulting for the State Library of South Australia in Adelaide. Tara linked to their amazing digital library archives last week. Seems like there may be some book restoration to do in the area as well since the Barr Smith library at the University of Adelaide was flooded on Friday as the result of damage to a water main.

flogging the blogs won’t clear the fog

I’ve been thinking about blogs lately as I moved to an entirely software-driven site here. Doing this has made me think more about content, since I don’t have the burden of also having to be the designer this time around. This has, of course, been true even moreso since people read the feeds intead of the web page, but I digress. Even though this is only marginally library related, with all the blogging and journalism hubub going on, it’s worth paying attention to, a progressive view of what blogs bring to journalism, and why it might matter by Sam Smith.

Tom Paine, Ben Franklin, and Frederick Douglass did not have press passes either, nor did anyone give them credentials before they commenced their unlicensed practice of the First Amendment. And where does one go these for such a license anyway? Usually to the government or to a committee comprised of employees of large media corporations whose interest is not in dispensing news but in owning its profits and who hire numerous lobbyists to manipulate the same White House and Congress their ace reporters are covering.

[thanks chris]

classes I wish I could teach at my library

Aaron outlines a few classes he wishes he could teach at his library. I have always maintained a similar list in my head, here are some titles.

“Where is all the porn that people are talking about?” Even in an unfiltered environment, good free porn can be hard to find. We’ll discuss how to locate what you’re really looking for and learn all new meanings for the words virus and trojan.

“P2P, it’s not just for music and porn anymore!” With more people joining peer-to-peer networks lately, there’s more to download than ever before. You can get software, television shows and even games. Learn how to effectively search and download whole new media types.

“How to really cover your tracks” While it’s pretty difficult to be truly anonymous on the ‘net, there are a handful of techniques that can boost your anonymity above the threshhold of most average citizens ability to figure out who you are.