serving the “internet natives” @ your library

This is a neat thing to find, a newspaper article discussing an event at an ACRL conference. The topic? Serving the new generations of college students who come to the library with all new expectations.

One University of Minnesota student had a bagful of electronics with him: iPod, PalmPilot, cell phone. He was bright, opinionated, well-spoken.

And when was the last time he was in the U’s library?

“Last year,” he said.

The collective intake of breath nearly turned the room into a vacuum. What’s a university librarian to do with this generation of college students?

[thanks kathleen]

a cautionary tale about electronic resources

Karen posts about the unpleasant discovery she made that her library was paying twice for an electronic resource because of one small mistake. If someone as tech-sharp as Karen is having these sorts of troubles, imagine how daunting electronic resources can be to someone who is still new to the vast world of subscription services.

This scenario shows just how confusing electronics resources can be. Particularly if you have too many people responsible for different parts and communication doesn’t take place. Mistakes happen but the most important thing is that we learn from them. What I’ve learned from the experience is that electronic resources require a strict attention to detail, planning and constant evaluation. Hopefully by thorough analyzing our resources and keeping a stricter eye on them we will be able to plan more effectively and acquire resources to meet our needs.

second to last day on the job

Hi. I spent my second to last day on the job getting bitched out over the phone by an older woman who was upset that I asked if she had a library card before I filled out an ILL form for her. She was mad that we didn’t have the book, mad that it would take a while to get it in, and mad that we wouldn’t call her to tell her when it was coming before it arrived. I got a lecture on public service which was both humbling and infuriating. Next week I’ll be speaking at Marlboro College in Vermont and then at the New Jersey Library Association conference. I’m putting together a teeny Spring Tour page with my other speaking dates on it. Please stop by and say hello if you’re in the area.

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