Top ten lists in librarians book of lists

It’s always nice when you have a secret bright idea and never do anything about it and then see someone you know and respect doing something totally awesome with it. I grew up in the 70s when the Book of Lists books were all the rage and I loved them. I’d always liked the idea of doing a librarian’s book of lists. And now George Eberhart – also the author of The Guide to Cryptozoology – has done just that! Announced in American Libraries: the top ten lists in the librarian’s book of lists. Hooray!

3 thoughts on “Top ten lists in librarians book of lists

  1. I’m such a Book of Lists geek. I tracked down a hardcover copy of the first one, but my other ones are ragged. Poor #3 is in several pieces. So yes, this is a must buy!

  2. also made one of the lists in the book: Top 10 Library Blogs!

  3. I always loved books like that. In fact, I think I may have read the one you mention or one of the sequels at one point. To this day, I love reading through books of lists and trivia like that. I am not sure how much that shaped me into the librarian I am today, but it’s fun stuff to read nonetheless.

    Best, and keep on blogging.

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