“The Vermont Department of Libraries has been publishing Good Ideas irregularly, beginning in 1988. Each edition includes the contributions of many public libraries. This blog was set up to continue the tradition but make it easier for librarians to search, use and print the resources.”
The book, terms of service
One of the things that’s so vexing about the ebook back and forth is the people who think that issues with ebooks are all about people being fussy about reading off of screens and the like. In fact, for me, it’s much more the availablility, DRM, licensing and other issues that make me feel that ebooks are not ready for prime time. To drive a point home, here’s Matthew Battles [of Unquiet History fame] with his notion of a Book: Terms of Service.
world’s strongest librarian has advice for you
“Refuse to deal with life. Make it deal with you.” The World’s Strongest Librarian is full of good advice. Read more about library director Josh Hanagarne in the Salt Lake Tribune.
I like the community bookcase idea
A friend sent this link to a community bookcase with more explanation here (Google translated). I’ve seen these in a few places including my local laundromat. They seem to tend to come to equilibrium with a hapless collection of religious texts, romance novels and old scifi. Luckily for me, I like scifi, but since I rarely go into the laundromat expecting to encounter a community bookcase, I rarely have anything to offer.
dudes! did you see the library they’ve got here?
“[W]hile I’m here on campus, my life is totally going to revolve around that library. “