
Hi. I’m back from my exciting trip to California to make the world a safer place for standardized testing. Feel free to email me if you want details, it’s too off-topic for librarian.net. I’ve got a stack of email to read and trade journals to peruse, feel free to put this site back in heavy rotation and keep those links coming.

Posted in hi

Ewwww this book sucks

Another LJ user chimes in with some thoughts about being judged by by his librarian for what he checks out of his library, since it’s only a subset of what he actually reads…. Some librarians chimed in to let him know that not only are we not snobby about what the patron’s are reading [we’re just happy they are reading, duh] but we adore the trashy mystery and the cheesy tabloid magazines ourselves once in a while. [thanks thaddeus]

throwback and proud!

It’s always nice when the “computers will replace libraries” doomsayers are funny about it. I don’t really see Amazon’s “search inside the book” feature as any real threat, but then again, I use a typewriter. I also never noticed that the word mildewey has the word dewey in it until now. [thanks all]