An oddly sweet story about… weeding.
begin with books
Begin with Books, an innovative program for jail prisoners in Arapahoe County. [thanks john]
what not to ask patrons to see if they need assistance
Sometimes patrons in a library don’t think they need “help” per se but they could use some assistance finding a particularly well-hidden book. The Lipstick Librarian — responding to an ongoing PUBLIB thread — offers some suggestions.
hi – 17feb
Hi. It’s been a weekend of e-housecleaning here at Some updates: links are now in bold to facilitate useful scanning and differentiation. Search box now searches using Google, which I think is an improvement. Date-based archives are now linked down the lefthand side of all monthly archives. Category archives have both date and category links in them. Special bonus for all you non-RSS folks… category archive pages will show you the RSS titles I’ve been adding to all these posts.
I have often prided myself on having a weblog unsullied with “I want” links… That is all changing today. Please buy these card catalogs, some of which were used by me personally a decade ago. If you’d like to get one and hold on to it for me for a while, that would be fine too. [thanks bill]