People seem to be suprised when I tell them that Indiana — parts of it anyhow — are a hotbed for progressive and proactive librarianship. My sister went to Earlham college, home to Evan Farber, whose library director was just chosen as the top academic/research librarian of the year by ACRL. [thanks dsdlc]
Library Issues – for academic librarians
I’m not sure how I managed to never see Library Issues before… last month’s issue contains strategies for dealing with the PATRIOT Act.
librarian for a day — no experience necessary!
You know, what sort of irks me about these “X for a Day” contests, like this one at Woman’s Day magazine — is the subtle implication that the job is really easy, you just have to be lucky enough to be able to get it. [thanks all]
minority librarian in residence
Yale has a minority librarian in residence program to try to increase minority representation among Yale library staff. The information page also lists other academic institutions that have similar programs.
hi – 20feb
Hi. Made it to Yale, went to the Sterling library and went to the Beineke where I was able to look at the Voynich Manuscript. Apparently it’s so popular that unless you’re a really serious scholar [which I clearly wasn’t] they just have one of the librarians [thanks Stephen Jones!] bring it out and show you through it. I was happy to see it. Also tried to get my parking validated at New Haven Free Public Library, but they’re closed Fridays.