Hi. I am working on my ten minute panel presentation for the Columbia gig next Friday. My topic: “Honoring Tradition, Embracing the Future. How we keep current with evolving educational, technological, and cultural trends, while maintaining our traditional reference skills and our commitment to public service” [I did not write that] I’m planning something to do with collaborative information systems and maybe put in a few good words for sites like Web Junction. Or I may just focus on how “cultural trends” lately include turning the public library into one big place to check email and play games online. I am not suggesting that this isn’t a good role for the library to fill, just that in Vermont we don’t have staffing or systems or enough of a technology-aware culture to appropriately deal with it. There are many many reasons why giving someone access to an hour on an Internet-enabled computer is different than handing them a book. Maybe I’ll just spend ten minutes listing them….
XML wrap up from Miss Eli
When Miss Eli graduates, I am sure she will get this technology/library thing working right. Here is her summary of Roy Tennant’s SLA talk about XML. All acronyms identified, mouseover to learn.
+free +porn
Sethf is right on the money. Remember how I said that 350 pages of “pornography” that everyone is always telling us about, belong to me, thanks to N2H2 and their stupid overblocking? This is something like that, only it’s the lawyers talking, look out!
our patrons will not be smelling better, so…
“As librarians, we have to smell twice as good.” more loveliness from the now-more-rural well dressed librarian.
Books not Bombs, tomorrow!
The “Books not Bombs” National Day of Action is tomorrow, the 4th. I’d love to say I was planning something, but I just heard about it. While the action is fairly wide in scope, the USA PATRIOT Act is definitely on the agenda.