hi – 07mar
Hi. I just got back from Massachusetts where I helped my sister clean out her office [what else are librarian sisters for?] and wished my Mom a happy birthday and taught her how to use RSS to read the Boston Globe. If you’re in Manhattan this Friday consider poking your head in to the Columbia symposium. According to the symposium notes “We are extending invitations to librarians from Brown University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New York University, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Rutgers University, and Yale University.” That’s eleven invites, but there’s twelve people on the program…. hmm. Oh yeah, the other person is me!
sexy photo contest
hi – 04mar
Hi. The interview that I did with Jonathan Crowhurst in Free Pint about the USA PATRIOT Act and the war on terror is up today.