So in case you didn’t look at the links in the intro paragraph, let me spell it out for you: The ALA National Library Week posters look like iPod ads. A lot. Someone mentioned to me that maybe this is ALA’s way of “pushing the envelope on fair use” by inviting lawsuits. More copy on the ALA site reads “Bright colors and all-inclusive silhouettes invite everyone in your community to celebrate at your library…. This timeless design is not dated making it perfect for long-term use.” I think “all-inclusive” in this case means that with everyone silhouetted, you don’t need to worry about racial or perhaps even gender equity. Plus you don’t need to pay models. Smart! Now I don’t know about you, but I see a videocasette in that banner as well as headphones that are already out of style even where I live. Timeless, indeed.
“Your Public Library: Just Another Defenseless Victim Zone
In response to Toledo Ohio’s new concealed carry law, the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library will be posting signs letting patrons know that the library is exempt from the concealed carry law. [thanks chris]
white haired librarian versus white haired librarian
I was sort of excited when I went to ALA and saw that ALA Presidential candidate Barb Stripling had a blog. I was a bit less excited to see it not really go anyplace. I appreciate the effort, but I’m not sure if a failed attempt beats a lovely ALA presidential candidate website with no blog. I’ll be endorsing Michael Gorman for ALA President though I do appreciate the work of both candidates.
new favorite blog
My new favorite blog this week: A Library Writer’s Blog. Information about writing opportunities. Sort of like the job postings blog, but for writers, maintained by Corey Seeman who also maintains this page about PC health.
why DO you want this job?
Not all scintillating, but this list of 101+ commonly asked library interview questions can help get you started on your job search.