with apologies to kelis

Speaking of categories, I don’t even have one for “humor” what does that tell you…? The livejournal hydra has sprouted another interesting librarian group [that I found because they are hotlinking to all my naked librarian pictures] which brings us this parody.

I can see you’re on the OPAC,
you want me to teach thee,
boolean techniques that freak these boys,

it can’t be bought,
just know the operators can be used,
in parentheses.

hi – 16mar

Hi. Back from New York. I learned a lot of neat stuff at Columbia and I really really hope that they will make the talks available online at the same time as I really really doubt they will do so. Crossing fingers…

Posted in hi


Technobiblio is more polite than I am so I will just say this: charging $25/day per user for wireless Internet access at ALA is total bullshit. Not that I am such a junkie that I will whine and complain that I can’t get my fix, but it is out of scale for a) the actual cost per user of providing this service and b) what other equivalent vendors charge. I don’t need wireless throughout the whole center [though it would be nice and far from impossible technologically] I’d just like a few hotspots where I can sit with my laptop and check my email. Shorter lines at the Internet cafes [where one well-placed wireless router could accomplish all of this for $99 for everyone forever] and happier people who can use their own software. It’s astonishing that this is such an impossible endeavor to do well, or even to approach realistically.
Posted in ala