card catalogs for sale in seattle

Watch library history get sold to the highest bidder. More card catalogs for sale at UW Seattle [sorry, link no longer working, here’s a Google cache]. At some level I’m sure we know it’s a bit dorky to be in love with our furniture, but I like to think it’s the little designer in all of us. Sure we make noxious flyers with MS Publisher and recycle clip art until it’s fuzzy around the edges, but we keep our CDs in oak boxes that are 100 years old and steeped with history, and we know that literacy never goes out of style. [thanks leep]

shush, shush

If you keep up with the conservative librarian movement, there’s a good chance that you may not be a frequent reader here and vice-versa, so you might have missed Rory Litwin’s pretty interesting email on the subject of progressive librarianship that he posted in response to the anti-progressive posts going on over at

“Unlike the average mainstream liberals, progressives are strongly motivated by some of the same values that motivate you: honesty, integrity, human dignity, a view of the world as fallen and in need of salvation, a suspicion of commercialism and its influence, etc.”

hi – 18mar

Hi. Last month at the library I taught an email class and 25 people showed up. This month my email class netted three people, two of whom had been at the last class. The vagaries of the library world still mystify me some days.

Posted in hi

the library visit/review thing

I expect to be able to use the MT blog categories to bring back my library reviews one of these days, but not yet. So, here is a list of the libraries I went to on this trip:

I also went to The Strand which, while not a library, is one hell of a bookstore.

Reading Over the Shoulder of the Future at the Library of Congress

Interesting though ponderous essay about what we can divine from the future by observing the LoC. A postmodern look at the future of information.

“I am unsure what marks off knowledge in the digital age from an earlier, Gutenberg-era episteme. Is there a difference in how we know? Is sifting through a bunker of diverse materials heaped on a desk so terrible different than linking together multimedia resources through hypertext? How?” [thanks robert]
Posted in lit