“Where did the magazines go? How can I help?” Athens-Clarke County library system is sponsoring an adopt-a-magazine program to try to maintain its magazine collection after having to drop 150 subscriptions due to budget cuts. [thanks katia]
BloggerCon II — now with librarian bloggers!!
BloggerCon II [April 17, Cambridge MA] now has a time slot specifically for librarian bloggers lobbied for and organized by Jessica Baumgart, cool!
something newish to say about library cats
With the exception of the “push to shush” action figure, my most received link would have to be ones about library cats, often to the same library cat page. I love the page, but try not to relink unless something really new is going on. Well, there’s a new article out about library cats, and it’s adorable. [thanks carolyn]
iraq anti-war demonstration outside NYPL
Howard Besser has some pictures up of the PLG team & others at the NYPL anti-war rally yesterday [warning, lots of big pictures].
versed – ala bulletin worth checking out
One of my favorite colleagues during my brief tenure as a VISTA volunteer at Seattle Public was Tracie Hall who now directs ALA’s office for Diversity. She’s full of spirit and good ideas. Their office now has a bulletin, Versed, available on the website [bad URL, good content] that comes out five times a year and discusses best practices and skillsharing in library-diversity work.