Speaking of zines — here’s an only slightly outdated list of zine libraries. The Independent Publishing Resource Center even has their zine catalog online.
strings attached — keep this building for 20+ years
Library that got expansion grant 17 years ago cannot move to larger quarters and shut the [expanded] library down completely until 20 years have passed. This happened in my town too, just recently. The town owns the building and due to some law or another, needs to use the building for town purposes. Thi sis usually how historical societies get such great digs, I reckon. [thanks jeanette]
hi – 25mar
Hi. In gearing up for National Library Week I have been courting the community relations folks at both Wal-Mart and the mall to see if we can put up tables for our library card sign up campaign. You can tell how much I like my job if I’m making nice with Wal-Mart for it.
where’s the stuff?
Steven Cohen from Library Stuff has posted about why he’s been away from blogging for a bit, and about a bit of lifestyle change he’ll be going through. Here’s hoping things continue to improve.
keeping current even without a job
New mom Priscilla Shontz has written a great new article for LISCareer: A Librarian without a Library: Staying Professionally Active While Unemployed. Most of her advice is also great for library sfhool students looking at ways to engage with their future profession while still in school.