Aaron talks some more about good and bad parts to using IM at the library. I think I like using IM [even for work stuff] for some of the reasons other people hate it: I can carry on multiple conversations at once, I can make communication even shorter [no “Hi, this is Jessamyn, how are you…” and I have both my ears free. The phone seems to use up talking and listening for me, whereas reading and typing seem like more of the same input/output mechanism.
25,000 library cards about Napoleon
Stanley Kubrick’s freaky library and card files.
design your own librarian, win valuable prizes
The New Jersey Library Association — you know, the ones who brought you Super Librarian — are now having a design your own librarian contest [pdf], a contest I intend to try to win! [thanks carol]
library school student body presidents with blogs
U of Toronto’s library school’s student council president has a blog. I happen to know that the library school president at Simmons does too.
ad hoc librarian?
What happens when your site is the first hit for “instant message question answerer” on Google? Kids ask you their homework questions, duh!