Those who read this site often will know that I rarely recommend that my dear readers buy anything. However, I am smitten with the lovely How To Be a Library Patron mini-zine and recommend you all scrounge up the dollar necessary to treat yourself to it.
thoughts on an evolving profession
Has librarianship survived?
I like to think that even if rooms full of books are no longer the most important sources of information, at least the principles of Librarianship are growing in importance, value, and respect. [thanks hanan]
“…the Patriot Act has been a cure-all for the intelligence failures that were exposed by the 9/11 attacks.”
President Bush using National Library Week to stump for the PATRIOT Act, calling it “essential law“. [thanks bill]
Greg retires from ODp
Greg from Open Stacks is retiring as the editor of the Dmoz Library and Info Science Weblogs category [and not without good reason]. Any one else want to step up to the plate?
bush tinkers with archivists
I swear I did not start this day thinking “let’s think of some crappy things going on for NLW” but it is turning out that way huh? Next up is news that President Bush is agressively trying to replace the current Archivist of the United States with his own hand-picked replacement before his Dad’s papers are subject to disclosure via the Presidential Records Act. There is also talk that he may not want some of the 9/11 Commission’s records released. The Society for American Archivists is concerned. [thanks jes]