Anyone can sign up to read the ALA Council listserv. Non-councilors just can’t post [though they can ask Councilors to post for them]. Step has found directions for how to sign up for the list, buried someplace in the ALA web site.
library cards in text and image
One of these days I’m going to take a picture of all my library cards. For now, you’ll just have to enjoy Jeremy’s.
Einstein dated a librarian — what more proof do you need?
Einstein’s librarian-girlfriend’s diary found detailing Einstein’s last years.
librarians leave AFSCME
Librarians in Connecticut are leaving their union. [lisnews]
USAPA might have prevented 9/11 says Clarke
Richard Clarke has seemed like a sane man recently, so I was surprised to read his talk where he emphatically stated that the USA PATRIOT Act is not just good law, it’s an essential law enforcement tool. [thanks karen]