yes THAT Heinz

The headline Heinz Museum cuts employees due to budget cuts deftly skips over the fact that most of those employees were library and archive staff.

Reducing library hours… makes sense because the number of authors, researchers, genealogists and students using the library is not growing. The number of people using the library’s collections and images online has increased, he said. [thanks barbara]

hi – 25apr

Hi. Today is a link-dump day because I’ve been getting so much good stuff in email I’ve been filing it, waiting for a free day. Today is that day. Less talking, more blogging. Oh yeah, and I have a Creative Commons license on this site now. Still fine-tuning it, but the upshot is: use what you want for non-commercial use with proper attribution and a similar license attached to what you make, and it’s fine by me.

Posted in hi

librarians as preservers of historical record

My favorite link of the week, possibly the month. Librarian Tony Greiner tracks down a Time magazine sidebar article that went missing online, and in several — but not all — full-text databases. The sidebar was critical of invading Iraq and was pulled sometime right before Bush ordered the invasion of Baghdad. Greiner tries to find out why, and gets a weird collecftion of answers and non-answers. Mentioned over at info-commons a few days back.

The concentration of print media outlets into a few corporate hands remains cause for concern. Would this column appear here if Library Journal were owned by Time-Warner? It is vital that larger libraries continue to keep and use printed indexes and copies of the historical record.