Greg goes to MLA

Speaking of librarian activism, Greg from Shush, the conservative librarian blog, has been at the MA Library Association conference doing a little conservative library activism. Greg and I may disagree politically about pretty much everything, but he was personable when I met him, works a few towns over from where I grew up [and may very well represent the views of a lot of that community], and anyhow I’m always interested in people’s activist awakenings, even if it’s not for “my” side.

hi – 29apr

Hi. I taught 12 seniors how to use email yesterday. Then I taught a searching class on our Heritage Quest database. Showed a patron what an ISBN was and how it works. Sent out 20 thank-you letters to people who signed up for library cards last week. Got an IM handle for the library [add rutlandfree to your buddy list]. Learned how to change the colors on our ugly OPAC. Friday I’m on the reference desk all day. It’s been a good week to be a librarian.

Posted in hi

would you rather have a less lovely library that was open more? I would.

Let’s just say it: the more money you spend building your Big Beautiful Library, the less you have to pay for staffing, and open hours.

When Seattle voters agreed overwhelmingly in 1998 to foot the $196.4 million bill for new and improved libraries all around town, I’m pretty sure they didn’t expect they’d have fewer hours a week to enjoy the fruits of their investment. But that’s exactly what has happened…. When voters approved [the downtown library], the library was open 70 hours a week…. Now, the downtown library is open 58 hours a week. [lisnews]