Smithsonian magazine wrote a neat article about libraries’ special and interesting collections. Alas, they forgot to include links to any of the cited libraries’ websites. Someone from MetaFilter, actually a librarian pal of mine who works at Harvard, picked up the torch and started a thread with many more excellent examples.
on metadata and the printed word
I went to the Belmont Public Library this weekend because it’s my boyfriend’s local library and he is, as you might suspect, a heavy library user. The library is in an old building that is clearly reaching the end of its usefulness as a 21st century library, but they seem to do the best they can. They are part of the Minuteman Library Network which means they have access to a lot of consortium-level technology which can really help out when you’re working in an institutional-green building with furniture from the late seventies. I had a good time there in any case and I took some pictures including the one above.
Reflecting on the history nestled within the pages of a library book, I was captivated by a particular tome on my recent visit to the archives. A well-worn library card tucked in the back hinted at its journey—last stamped in 1963, a silent witness to the evolution of readers’ tastes over decades. Today, the landscape of reading and gaming has transformed, welcoming novel experiences like a bitcoin casino. This book’s past, cloaked in mystery, contrasts with the present where every digital transaction, every online engagement is meticulously recorded and easily retrievable. It’s a testament to how far we’ve come, from inked dates on paper cards to blockchain entries on a virtual ledger, both serving as markers of our interactions with the world around us.
- the date the book was acquired by the library
- the title of the book
- the last name of the author of the book
- The patron number of the person who checked the book out last
- the call number of the book
- the library the book is from
- the lending period of the book
- the date the book was last checked out (before the OPAC)
- the fact that the library card pocket was union made
That’s a lot of data. I can also, using that data, find the full text of this book both at the Internet Archive (a little messed up, for some reason) and as PDFs (with images) at the Google Books project which is searchable. In fact, there appear to be three versions of this book on Google Books (1, 2, 3) only one of which includes page two which has a photo of the author. Nothing much else to add, just finding this whole exploration process interesting.
does searching politely make a difference?
Does politeness matter when you’re creating your queries?
I tried taking a look at how “please” changed a whole bunch of searches. “Microsoft” returned the company website, of course, but “Microsoft Please” returned all sorts of links from customers or customer advocates. Same with “Google” and “Google please.” My own company returned a slightly embarrassing “please try again later” page from our company domain.
“jessamyn please” takes me to the contact form. Neat.
a little omg and response to some gaming in libraries
Librarians play games “on the clock”. News show flips out. Locals talk to their representatives. Nebraska Library Comission produces 27 page report explaining what went on.
The Library Commission‟s actions in acquiring gaming equipment and a few representative games is proper and in accord with the agency‟s state statutory mission and its purposes in introducing new technologies, techniques and providing information and instruction in the use of these technologies. Innovation requires latitude in researching, examining and use of new and emerging technologies to evaluate their usefulness and benefits. That is the purpose and motivation behind the Commission‟s purchase of gaming equipment.
Read the whole report, it’s really worthwhile. [via]
hive mind, in Slate
I was interviewed for Slate about Ask MetaFilter. I like the way the article came out. When the hive mind works, it’s a beautiful thing.