Another policy paper, this one a draft on RFID in libraries.
Category: ‘puters
amazing, and probably cost-effective, Georgia public goes open source
Georgia Public Library System decided to go with a homegrown open-source system for their library automation needs. I’m going to be really interested to see how much this solution costs the library over time, compared to a more traditional OPAC. My guess is it will cost less, both in vendor costs and also less lost staff time installing and fighting with new upgrades, featuritis and bad support. [teknobib]
they STILL want the card catalog back
Some cautionary words from Aaron about new technologies and libraries, from ebook to MP3.
I like lists – here’s one
Michael’s blog makes an ongoing good point about technology which is that it needn’t always be expensive, or horribly complicated. His new list 10 Things A Library Can Do to Boost their Techie Stuff (without breaking the bank) has great tips.
San Francisco Public Library approved the use of RFID for use in their libraries at a meeting last night. [RFIDinLib]