e-rate hold up dragging into monthlong mess

A few bad apples may be spoiling the E-Rate program that provides Internet and phone service to a large amount of the country’s schools and libraries. There are tighter spending rules, a lower mandatory contribution from the telcos [thanks FCC!] and possible delays on cash outlays extending into 2006. Now might be a good time to contact your elected official and make sure they are aware of this issue and actively working to resolve it. If E-rate money isn’t forthcoming, what does that mean for CIPA? [thanks rebecca]

bookmarklets galore!

Jon Udell has come up with a bookmarklet that is non-ISBN dependent that does pretty much what our little hack does. Plus, he talks about this whole REST-versus-SOAP debate where web services are concerned which is new vocabulary for me but worth learning. In old-school library news, a whole class of 4th graders said “No WAY!!” when I told them [and then showed them in the online database] that Tony Hawk was my age and had four kids.