I would be remiss at this juncture if I did not mention the Librarians for Kerry-Edwards Yahoo group that has been picking up steam lately. In the interests of full disclosure I’d like to say that while the Kerry-Edwards ticket has my support, Kucinich or Dean were really who I was rallying for. I’ve embraced national level voting for tactical reasons lately. [thanks kathleen]
Category: pr, hype & bs
Harry and the Potters play wizard rock
In the Bloodhag vein, it’s Harry and the Potters, coming soon to a library near you with their quirky brand of rock.
The idea is that the Harry Potter from Year 7 and the Harry Potter from Year 4 started a rock band. And now, no one can stop the wizard rock.
who do the vendors work for?
Are vendors really making what libraries want? A look at the e-book “explosion” and Daniel Walter’s recent comments which provoked a vendor response. Walter’s answer: no. Vendors answer: a not-unsurprising “of course”
CD settlement not all that.
Curious about the CD settlement and all the music CDs that were supposed to be flooding public libraries? One librarian breaks down what her library got.
“71.2% of what they sent us is stuff currently sold in remainder bins. Dunno if the terms of the agreement said they couldn’t send cutouts or not, but if I know the record industry, they are following the letter but not the spirit of the settlement. “
one more NLW post…
Seems like the American Chemical Society removed the “quiet please” portion of their National Library Week campaign [though you can still see it on their t-shirts]. [thanks mita]