presentations without powerpoint, how I do it

I give many of my talks using a very basic HTML template that creates the illusion of slides. It has a few advantages

  • it’s free
  • it works on any browser and any OS
  • my talks take up very little space, file-size-wise
  • I’m not using someone else’s proprietary software or the same old clip art you’ve seen a million times before
  • talks are available in the same format online and off
  • easy print option with extra space for hidden notes [new!]

There are a few downsides as well

  • it’s not totally standards compliant. If you need total compliance, use S5, it’s great.
  • you do need to know a little HTML to make it work for you
  • Since you’re not using PowerPoint, you may tend towards wordiness.

People have been asking about it, so I’ve decided to make a blank presentation with all the stylesheets and whatnot, available for downloading. It’s just a basic HTML page, two stylesheets, a sample image or two, and a styleswitcher. Try it out, tweak it, let me know what you think.

Librarian Eye for the Tech Buy

I had a great time speaking at Marlboro College and meeting the librarians, students and other folks that came out for the evening. What a nice bunch of happy engaging people! The slides for my talk Librarian Eye for the Tech Buy: thinking about technology and libraries and Vermont all at once are online [HTML format, whee!]. They’re pretty similar to the slides for my UNC talk but, not suprisingly, the talk was a lot different. I’m heading down to New Jersey to give a Ten Tech Tips type talk.

my talk, unc 3/21

Both talks went well today. One was in the morning to an undergraduate information science class. High point: mentioning something about gopher sites and realizing that the students in the class were 7 years old when gopher was popular. The afternoon talk was larger, maybe 50 people, and may be available in streaming video one of these days. You can read all the notes from my talk here.