Here are the notes for the short talk I gave today: Flickr, Tagging and the F-Word. I’ll see if Jenny’s are around, she had a lot more examples and expanded a lot on this one small area I talked about. Talk was well-received, thanks if you were one of the people in attendance.
Category: me!
Hi I’m at Internet Librarian
For anyone who is at Internet Librarian, I’ll be speaking with Jenny Levine today at 2:15 about social software, Flickr and what libraries can do with them.
I’ll be speaking at SJSU Wednesday 10/26
“The Information Poor and the Information Don’t Care: Small Libraries and the Digital Divide” Wednesday, October 26, 2005 from 7 PM to 8:30PM, San Jose, King Library, room 225b. Can’t come, listen to me streaming live and [maybe] answering questions asked via IM.
On Organization and Me
I’m one of those librarians who is organized. I’m sure there are many who aren’t. I also work in a lot of different places, so it’s useful for me to have a “go bag” that I can just grab and I’l know it has the things I need in it. This is what is in my bag. Also, while I’m talking about me, I should note that I’ve updated the About Page and the FAQ to this site somewhat. If you see anything major I’m missing in the FAQ please let me know.
local librarian gal makes good – me on the AP wire
Hey check me out, I’m challenging stereotypes! The facts are a teeny bit off, but I’d say overall the article does more good than harm.