My ALA Schedule – ALA San Antonio

I used to do a fancy schedule page, now I’m just going to do a post. Here is where I am planning on being at ALA, starting on Saturday. Thanks to friends, family, and accomplices, I have straightened out my lodging situation. I also have the whole half day Wednesday free after the Council meeting so if anyone else is still in town and wants to explore San Antonio with me, please drop a line or a comment.


4 – 6 LB planning thing, Convention Center, Room 207A
10-11 pm Council Reception Marriott Rivercenter, Salon B


10:45- 12:15 Council I
6 – ?? OCLC Blog Soiree, Red Suite, Marriot Rivercenter
?? – ?? President’s Reception , Marriott RiverWalk (Salon C/D , Alamo Ballroom)


10:15 – 11:15 ALA-APA Council
11:30 – 12:30 Exec Board candidate forum
5 Menger Bar – Walt’s crew
8:00 – 9:30 Council Forum


9:15 – 12:45 Council II
4:30 – 6:00 Council Forum


8:00 a.m.-12:30 Council III



links: ala council schedule page, radref SA wiki

2005 reading list, a year end summary

Time for the annual recitation of the books, same as last year, 600+ posts later. Thanks to some handy last-minute coding by Greg, it’s much easier for me to make a list of all the books I read in 2005. Yes I love LibraryThing, no I am not replacing my booklist with it.

number of books read in 2005: 86
number of books read in 2004: 103
number of books read in 2003: 75
number of books read in 2002: 91
number of books read in 2001: 78
average read per month: 7.2
average read per week: 1.7
number read in worst month: 3 (November, December)
number read in best month: 12 (March)
percentage by male authors: 74
percentage by female authors: 26
fiction as percentage of total: 55
non-fiction as percentage of total: 45
percentage of total liked: 84
percentage of total ambivalent: 14
percentage of total disliked: 2