MetaFilter: Going where the users are

My article on MetaFilter, the community website that I moderate, is now up on the Library Journal website. Here’s the post on MetaFilter about it. I’m not the only liblogger who has written for them lately; Dorothea discusses being taken aback by the draconian terms of their author contract and has advice for potential LJ writers about how to negotiate the best deal to the rights of their own articles.

My NDLA talks, from Fargo

I’m sitting in the back of the NDLA business meeting as this conference wraps up. What fun! It was the North Dakota Library Association’s 100th year. They had Michael Gorman and Loriene Roy, both of whom gave really interesting speeches which I listened to while eating some truly tasty food. I’ll give a little wrap-up later, but for now, here’s links to my two talks.

The Information Poor & the Information Don’t Care: The Digital Divide and Rural Libraries
Evaluating New Technologies for Libraries – High Tech on a Shoestring