me in an Australian magazine

Me in an Australian magazine, with mop
In case you missed this on Flickr… I was interviewed by Geraldine Barkworth for a column called Librarians on the Edge in the November 2006 issue of inCite, the Australian version of American Libraries. I said she could look around Flickr and find a picture of me that she liked and she chose this one, much to my amusement.

The article can be read online here.

Michigan Library Consortium

Hi. I gave a talk today about blogs at the Michigan Library Consortium’s special Program The Library Rebooted. You’d think there wasn’t much left to be said about blogs, but I found a way. It was an interesting day since I was also presenting with Meredith who talked about wikis, Aaron who talked about IM and Darlene who talked about social software. Big fun day and the tippy tail end of my long US tour. I’m going to dinner with librarians tonight, flying out tomorrow, staying with my sister and then taking the long peaceful bus back up to Vermont on Friday. Fifteen days, six beds, five talks, six cities, ten plane rides and one bag + laptop. Except for the lousy “we sort of misplaced your luggage” interlude last night, it’s been a really nice time.

My short talk Blah Blah Blogs: Why They Matter for You and Your Library is online in the normal place. update: Kathy, the well-rounded librarian has blogged my talk.

on the road for the next few weeks

I’ll be doing a lot of work-related travelling over the next few weeks. I encourage anyone who will be at any of these conferences to stop by and say hello.

  • Wisconsin Library Association – I’ll be doing a digital divide talk and a tech tips talk this Friday. Possibly the best conference ever, according to one blog. It’s at a weird resort-like place. I will be met at the airport by someone in a safari get-up.
  • Hawaii Library Association – Hawaii is the only US state I’ve never been to. The second to last one on my list, Alaska, I crossed off in 1997 sometime. I’ll be discussing high tech on a shoestring, and tech support tips for reference librarians on the 11th of November.
  • Michigan Library Consortium – a workshop with Aaron Schmidt and Meredith Farkas about blogs, wikis and IM. I’ll be doing the blogs part on the 15th.

Yeah, it’s a lot of travelling. I even got a new haircut. After this I’m settling down and hunkering down for the winter and focusing on writing and planning for 2007.

my talk from ACRL-OR

I’m in the back of the room at the ACRL Oregon & Washington conference called Resistance Is Futile: Academia Meets the NeXt Generation. My talk Sensible Approaches to New Technology in Libraries, subtitled How do you work Library 2.0 into your 1.5 library with your 1.23 staff and your .98 patrons is online and it’s been updated since the last time I gave a sensible tech type of talk.

NELA talk: Web 2.0, Library 2.0, Librarian 2.0

I gave a talk today at the New England Library Association Conference. Web 2.0, Library 2.0, Librarian 2.0 [subtitle: wait…. what? who?] that I think went well. Unlike previous talks, this one doesn’t have as much in the way of secret background notes (when you click the “printable” link you’ll get the slides version of my talk that usually has more talking points and notes to myself in them) but I did make a set of handouts. I think people like handouts. I think I’ll try to make more of them. Thanks to everyone who came and was such a friendly and cheery audience.