NYPL sells art to raise money for books, sort of

I rarely get my news, library or otherwise, from the Drudge Report. But when the headline blares NYC PUBLIC LIBRARY TO SELL ARTWORKS; MONEY FOR BOOKS… I just had to click that link.

“We’re not a museum,” [NYPL president Paul LeClerc] said. “We don’t have a staff devoted to paintings and sculptures. One of the thrills of running a great library is keeping up with the explosion of information. If we don’t grow, we cannot maintain the claim that we are one of the greatest libraries in the world.”


serving the “internet natives” @ your library

This is a neat thing to find, a newspaper article discussing an event at an ACRL conference. The topic? Serving the new generations of college students who come to the library with all new expectations.

One University of Minnesota student had a bagful of electronics with him: iPod, PalmPilot, cell phone. He was bright, opinionated, well-spoken.

And when was the last time he was in the U’s library?

“Last year,” he said.

The collective intake of breath nearly turned the room into a vacuum. What’s a university librarian to do with this generation of college students?

[thanks kathleen]

libraries as prime places to steal books for resale

At my library we have been considering raising the limit on the number of DVDs/videos a patron may check out at once. Currently the limit is four. There is no book limit. One of the reasons we were concerned about raising the limit is that DVDs in particular have such a high resale value on the Internet. I saw this article about a library employee who has systematically been reselling DVDs, books and other library items over the Internet for six months and using his access to the library computer to mark them as “checked in” He was turned in because he sold a book to a college president in Illinois who was suspicious about some of the library markings. This sort of thing happens all over, even in sleepy little neighborhoods like mine. Slashdot discusses. What do we do about this? [thanks john]