The Shifted Librarian’s new look is a real eyecatcher. Clean, useful, colorful, updated. Nice going Jenny and Bryan.
Category: librarians
Nancy Pearl is really nice but she does look freaking dowdy….
Nancy Pearl: celebrity librarian. This is a nice heartwarming article about her book tour, in case you’ve been sort of annoyed with her lately. [NYT]
These naked librarian pictures are not safe for work.
John Hubbard did the best April Fools gag I’ve ever seen
John Hubbard, that “library link of the day guy” says a few words over at Ex Libris.
Chris Z knows where to get the good food in Chicago
Yay! Chris Zamarelli is now the Banned Bookslut over at Bookslut. While you’re there please read what Michael Farrely has to say about the F**king Action Figure. It’s okay Michael, if Bono can say it, so can you.