The Sophist has a neat little profile on Liz Kellison, a content manager and all around good egg at WebJunction. [thanks lisa]
Category: librarians
what not to ask patrons to see if they need assistance
Sometimes patrons in a library don’t think they need “help” per se but they could use some assistance finding a particularly well-hidden book. The Lipstick Librarian — responding to an ongoing PUBLIB thread — offers some suggestions.
the salary thing, and a nice obit
At some level we as librarians have to be committed to our libraries as well. I firmly believe that this should be at a good – or at least equitable – pay rate. But would I take less to live in a place I loved, or with a person I loved? In a second. People used to try to get their foot in the door for good library work by working in libraries for free. My union forbids this sort of thing entirely. But Mary Jane Blackwell might not have turned out as the librarian she did if she had to wait for a paying job to come her way. Pay is important to our profession, but so is passion. [thanks beth]
cliques at libraries
LISCareer has a newish “articles by date” feature that makes it easier to say “hey, there’s new articles up!” and have somethign to link to. I was immediately drawn to Michelle Millet’s article called Libraries Have Cliques Too as someone who has recently started a new job at a library which has had very little turnover in the past decade.
dropping the subpoenas, not telling why
Looks like they’re dropping those subpoenas against the activists [and the library worker]. [infocommons]