shush, shush

If you keep up with the conservative librarian movement, there’s a good chance that you may not be a frequent reader here and vice-versa, so you might have missed Rory Litwin’s pretty interesting email on the subject of progressive librarianship that he posted in response to the anti-progressive posts going on over at

“Unlike the average mainstream liberals, progressives are strongly motivated by some of the same values that motivate you: honesty, integrity, human dignity, a view of the world as fallen and in need of salvation, a suspicion of commercialism and its influence, etc.”

with apologies to kelis

Speaking of categories, I don’t even have one for “humor” what does that tell you…? The livejournal hydra has sprouted another interesting librarian group [that I found because they are hotlinking to all my naked librarian pictures] which brings us this parody.

I can see you’re on the OPAC,
you want me to teach thee,
boolean techniques that freak these boys,

it can’t be bought,
just know the operators can be used,
in parentheses.