writer librarian who is famous among hipsters

There’s a newish Dispatch from a Public Librarian up on McSweeneys. Its writer Scott Douglas really is a librarian someplace in California and has a pretty amusing FAQ on his site.

They have a Masters in Library and Information Science?
Yeah. It’s nicknamed the MLIS. It’s a pretty silly thing that a lot of people don’t take seriously. Basically it’s two years of theory and such just so you can get a job getting paid less than a teacher.

speaking of Seattle public

You know, I never call catalogers “catalog librarians” which is probably an oversight on my part. Seattle Times has a little profile on one of SPLs cataloguing librarians

“My husband would probably tell you I do a little too much thinking about the library after-hours. But it’s not the kind of job where I get paged in the middle of the night for a cataloguing emergency.”