RIP J. William Matheson, LoC rare book librarian, who got his Masters in Librarianship at UW — same as me, same as where they are now making amateur porno.
Category: librarians
IIII = 4 = IV
“Illiterate clock” in library has IIII instead of IV. Librarian has minor freakout, gets schooled on roman numerals by clock manufacturer. [thanks steven]
“She said her prize money would go to … pay off loans for her master’s degree in library science.”
Former librarian [and now mommy, it looks like] wins a cool million in the Pillsbury Bake-Off.
librarian needed to throw out collection
Librarian needed for the Summer at the Lahey Clinic in Massachusetts. Your responsibilities? To purge the film library. update: according to a correspondent, the hospital designation “film librarian” bears little or no resemblance to the actual librarian positions we know and love, except perhaps for the low pay. And not to be confused with this fine web site: film librarian.
nancy pearl retiring
Nancy Pearl — who has done a lot more great stuff than just posing for a plastic figurine — to retire at the peak of her superpowers. Special thanks to LISNews for ensuring that her name will be forever keyword-linked to the world’s finest love doll [do not click that link at work].