way to make a good impression, librarians!

No seriously. Found this blog post from Fil, a member of the “video game community” talking about meeting some librarians at a symposium about the future of libraries.

I imagined droning on about the Dewey Decimal System, and waxing rueful over the “good old days” before the internet ruined research.

I could not have been more wrong.

The people (at my table, at least) were dynamic, technically savvy people who are trying very hard to keep information “alive.” I had some great conversations about user interface, podcasting, RSS feeds, and the digitization of collections.

Movers! Shakers! Bloggers! Others!

It’s really great to see the Library Journal Movers and Shakers awards include so many colleagues not just from the blogging world — Aaron and Michael — but other parts of the library world I interact with when I step away from the keyboard, like Veronda Pitchford from Chicago and Kim Charlson from Perkins School for the Blind, a place I rememebr visiting when I was a little girl.