How private are your virtual reference interactions?

Is Privacy Working? Plannning For Stronger Privacy Measures Than Security Through Obscurity [pdf] By Mary Minow And Paul Neuhaus. It’s a paper in progress, but what a draft. Minow and Neuhaus talk about what libraries need to do, specifically, to bring their privacy actions in line with their privacy policies as far as virtual refernce is concerned. A lot of librarians in my area hae strong privacy policies, but don’t necessarily know how to clear the cache on their computers, or remove IM logs or keep Firefox from remembering passwords. It can be done.

Computers where? Computers IN LIBRARIES!

Hi. This is just to say I’ll be at Computers in Libraries next week. I’ll be giving a little talk called Pimp My Firefox, only the name is slightly different in the program. It’s about making Firefox do your bidding and how to customize it for various types of library staff and users. I think it will be fun. However, I am speaking at the same time as Meredith: 11:15 on Monday, April 16th. So, if you have to make a tough choice, I will not feel bad if you go see her talk. I am just sorry that I can not see her talk.

Also, I am planning my trip to DC. I may drive from Vermont. If there is someone that could benefit from a ride down on Sunday sometime, please let me know. I will be staying in DC for the week, so this is likely a one-way-only offer. Alternately if there is someone in the Northern New England area who is already driving, I would be happy to pay for gas to not have to drive.

One more logistical note: I am staying at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City on Sunday night. The CiL crew is putting me up since I am speaking. However, they are not putting me up the next night and the hotel is totally booked, so I either have to find alternate accomodations or move on and miss some of Tuesday’s activities. I have many options in DC and Maryland and would not be heartbroken to have to move on early. However, if anyone out there has a room with space Monday night, I would chip in a pint of maple syrup (and whatever else you’d like, up to and including cash) and regale you with stories of small town librarianship for a chance to stay through Tuesday. I added my name to the CiL Roomshare page, we’ll see what turns up. I seem to be all set for this part, thanks for the notes everyone.

From DC, I’ll be taking a quick detour to Dodge City, Kansas to be giving a talk about “the whole 2.0 thing” which I am looking forward to a great deal. I’ll be a little distracted at CiL, but if you see me running around, please do say hello.

on the road

I’m on the road for a few weeks, starting pretty much now. I usually don’t even bother saying “won’t be posting here” anymore, since with RSS you don’t even have to care. However I am giving a few talks, two at the LocLib Conference in Perth Australia on March 2nd and one in Adelaide at the State Library on March 6th. I will also be going out to lunch with some librarians in Melbourne on the 10th and attending a MetaFilter meetup in Sydney on the 11th. If you are in any of these places, please try to come by and say hello. I’m also vacationing with my sister, so other than these professional and semi-professional activities, I’ll be away from the keyboard. I return on the 14th, though if the trip is anything like last time, my mind will stay in Australia for several more weeks.

hi – 03jan07

Hi — I’m pretty sure I’m finished with the redesign/retheming of The RSS feed will look a little different, but not much. The site looks cleaner and easier to use in my opinion. If you notice something missing or not working please let me know. If you do read the site only through RSS, you might want to stop by the place and take a look.

I just did a small retrospective at my personal blog about my last ten years of blogging. Yeah you read that right. I started (rss) January first 1997, in what feels now like a totally different life. I was out of library school but hadn’t been working as a librarian anyplace outside of the University of Washington. For a long time, my main web presence was at and that didn’t change until the last three or four years. Now I’ve got four or maybe five little subsites spread all over the com/info/net universe and my work time is split between fixing little computers in little libraries and managing a large online community with a popular question answering site.

I’ll do a little “my library year in review” post this week, but I just wanted to note this little milestone here as well.

it’s great when someone blogs your talks

I’m on my way out of Madison, Wisconsin tomorrow. I had a great time at WLA, both giving a few talks and hanging out with some cool librarians. Tasha Saecker blogged both of my talks and you can read her notes on my talks, as well as the talks themselves.

Sensible Technology Trends in Libraries: my notes/slides, Tasha’s notes

Small Libraries and the Digital Divide: my notes/slides, Tasha’s notes