Hi. I don’t mean to whine, but I must be the most undercited blogger there is… here’s a link to a piece in the Charleston Post & Courier. Who do you think that small town librarian is? [use the NYT registration if they require one]
Category: hi
Hi. I’m at the Vermont International Film Festival this weekend. No updates until Monday. Ebay auction is doing well and we’ll have to see if my letter makes it to the NY Times Magazine this weekend.
Hi. I got a very nice email from the folks at the New York Times Magazine yesterday. They explained how they had come to reprint my content with insufficient credit and how they were very sorry. They offered me a chance to write a letter to the editor of the magazine giving myself proper attribution. We’ll see how it goes. Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions on how to resolve the problem.
Hi. This is a linkless post so I thought I’d put it here. I have it on good authority that NYPL will be installing filters on their library terminals to bring them into compliance with CIPA. When I called their public relations office to check, I got something along the lines of “probably definitely” but that they hadn’t selected a software vendor yet. Big news?
Hi. A reader of the site sent me some bumperstickers of the image I’ve been using in my header bar for the past few weeks [RSS folks, click here to see what I mean]. I have one on my car. I have a few extras. I am selling one via Ebay as a fundraiser for the anti-PATRIOT Act charity of the buyer’s choice. I’ll have another one available next week if this one goes well.