
Hi. I’ve been having a bit of trouble with my Movable Type install which means that posting has been troublesome and slowish. I’m working it out this week but updates may be sporadic. Plus the holdays and all….

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Hi. I had to stay home from work today because of a crazy snowstorm. I dislike staying home from work so I did workish things here — dealt with my work budget, looked at the website I am working on from a lot of different browsers, messed with this site. I got the bad news from our OPAC provider at work. They do not support Netscape. This was their response when I pointed out a really egregious formatting error that I had gotten when doing a routine query. Problem solved on their end, I guess “Oh, we don’t support that.” I wonder what other browsers they don’t support? Probably all of them except Internet Explorer So, I may not be able to change what is already broken at my library, but I’ve been looking into Open Source systems again. LISnews had a link to a very informative pdf HOWTO discussing how to distribute Open Source software CD’s in your library.

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Hi. I have updated my ALA schedule to include my book signing on Sunday at 12:30 or 1. McFarland assures me they will have more than six books. Also changed the NY Times login link to the left. I will no longer be supporting librarian.net logins to the NYTimes though I will try to offer working links instead.

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Hi. It seems like in response to my plaintive yowling the ALA voice mail system is now a) in order and b) includes all the numbers. If I achieve only one thing in my three year tenure as an ALA Councilor, it would be okay if this were it.

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Hi. Back to our regularly scheduled library banter. Thanks for paying attention.

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