
Hi. A lot going on today. I feel like I’ve uncovered two separate areas of continuing interest with yesterday’s posts. I’m also reading Sixpence House which is another one of those books for bookish people. Powell’s Books sent Greg and I a check for “affiliate” money or whatever and it’s just enough to take us out to dinner someplace nice [where nice=napkins]. I’ll report back since librarian.net readers directly funded this meal.

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Hi. I updated the page about the book. If anyone knows any other reviews of the book online [good or bad] please send them on. Also, if anyone else would like to write an informal review for Amazon.com, we’d sure appreciate it. There’s been only one review there for forever. Thank you.

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Hi. I just finished a 3,000 word article about the ibiblio digital library project that should be appearing in OCLC Sytems & Services, assuming it passes the peer review process. Many of today’s weird links are from my research.

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Hi. I’m working on an article for OCLC Systems & Services and I found a bunch of weird library links while doing research on ibiblio, the wonderful people who host this site for free. These links are the detritus from my work today.

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Hi. I have just had another paid holiday. This job is the first time I have ever had a paid holiday. I even got a wee bit of time off to go to ALA. I like being employed.

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