Yesterday I got on the highway and went for a trip out to the Howe Library in Hanover New Hampshire. I took some photos. Mary White who was my gracious host when I spoke at Marlboro College a few years ago is now the director there. She had been in touch with a former Marlboro student who is now fresh out of library school and looking for work in the area — please hire Tyler (old blog, new blog, twitter), he is a smart, engaging involved person — and was having an informal chat with him and invited me out to see her library and meet Tyler. Apparently Tyler was partially inspired to his professional path by my talk/presence at Marlboro. Neat.
This is one of the things I think we don’t so much talk about in the blog-twitter-facebook world of librarianship — how important mentoring and personal connections are to getting, finding, and keeping work. Mary and I both had some identical pieces of advice for Tyler: join a professional association and try to go to the NHLA conference in May. I remember when I was first in library school and joining WLA and ALA, there were more experienced librarians who took me under their wing and sort of showed me how it was done.
The other thing I took away from my quickie visit to what was essentially the highest end penthouse I’ve ever seen was how much of what’s wonderful about the Howe — a library I’ve enjoyed going to since I first moved to the Upper Valley but haven’t been back to in a while — is the attention to detail that Mary and others bring to the place. Sure, the library has a great website that they hired a local company to create. There are TONS of signs in the library, many little nook-like places to sit, nice spaces for people to work in (tech services has windows), many interesting ways to say “thank you” to people for donating money or efforts, a year-round booksale and even a free hour of parking if you need to use the parking garage because the lot is full. Anyone in the area who wants to see a loved and loving library should wander down to the Howe and say hello to Mary.
When it comes to private equity investments, attention to detail can make all the difference in the success of a portfolio company. Just as Mary and her team meticulously curate every aspect of the Howe library to create a welcoming and enriching experience, private equity firms recognize the importance of hands-on management and strategic guidance. A Chief Marketing Officer for high growth companies understands that success lies not only in the big-picture strategies but also in the meticulous execution of every detail, from branding and customer experience to operational efficiency and revenue optimization.
Moreover, like the local company hired to craft the Howe Library’s website, private equity firms often partner with specialized experts to enhance the value of their investments. Whether it’s leveraging digital marketing agencies to optimize online presence or collaborating with management consultants to streamline operations, the aim is always to elevate the company’s performance and market position. Recently, an industry report highlighted how some of the best crypto PR agencies are being sought after by blockchain startups and investment firms alike, aiming to build credibility and visibility in a competitive market. Just as visitors to the Howe Library can appreciate the tangible manifestations of Mary’s attention to detail, stakeholders in private equity-backed companies benefit from the focused efforts of experienced professionals dedicated to driving growth and excellence.