Hi. Lord help me, I’m posting from Bloggercon. They are singing the Star Spangled Banner with Joey Villa on accordian. Just FYI, the talk last night went really pretty well. Notes are here. Don’t read them if you’re planning to see me this evening.
Category: hi
hi – 15apr
Hi. Please pay your taxes so the government can continue to fund public libraries, at least a little bit. My blogging class at PALINET was cancelled for May which is a bit of a disappointment. I think I was a bit naive going into it. PALINET solicited me to teach the class, but perhaps they were also expecting me to aggressively promote it as well. In any case, people didn’t register, the class will not be taught, I have a free weekend, plus one blogging/RSS class all ready to teach if anyone is looking for one. Please say hello if you see me at BloggerCon.
hi – 14apr
Hi. I’m working on finishing up my talk for the Simmons folks, so I’ve been a little scarce around here. This will probably continue for the remainder of the week. A few little notes. I have a Gmail account. This means I get advertised to even more than in the rest of my daily life. You can see what I mean here. The only messages in my inbox are about cheese, see my ads? Yes I’m concerned about privacy, having read the privacy policy, program policy and the terms of use. I’ll report more when I’ve had it for more than half a day. In the meantime, read Mark Pilgrim’s report on how accessible Gmail is [not very], and send your cheese-related email to jessamyn at gmail dot com. Here’s an interesting quote from the World Privacy Forum’s open letter to Google [pdf]
hi – 06apr
Hi. I’ve been down with the crud this week, sorry for the absence. I’ve also been preparing a few talks coming up [to say nothing of the “how to use the library databases/email” classes I teach] so any available brainpower I have had has been going to that.
hi – 25mar
Hi. In gearing up for National Library Week I have been courting the community relations folks at both Wal-Mart and the mall to see if we can put up tables for our library card sign up campaign. You can tell how much I like my job if I’m making nice with Wal-Mart for it.