Hi. Today is a link-dump day because I’ve been getting so much good stuff in email I’ve been filing it, waiting for a free day. Today is that day. Less talking, more blogging. Oh yeah, and I have a Creative Commons license on this site now. Still fine-tuning it, but the upshot is: use what you want for non-commercial use with proper attribution and a similar license attached to what you make, and it’s fine by me.
Category: hi
hi – 22apr
Hi. I used up all my hours at work early in the week so I have to stay home and do nice National Library Week things from home, like read! I reorganized my one real reading bookshelf today. See if you can see what classification scheme I used.
hi – 21apr
Hi. I’d love to chat but I have to be at the library early. I’m working with the kids from the alternative high school to teach them to use the online catalog. They’ll be getting credit for filling out a worksheet about online searching. Then I go sign people up for library cards at the mall. One of the high points about the outreach session from yesterday was getting to meet some of Vermont’s bookmobile drivers [and some of their bookmobiles]. Neat programs, run on shoestrings [one that quoted prices run their entire 13-town route on $40K a year including salaries] doing all sorts of wonderful things. I’ll do a more thorough write-up once this damned holiday week is over.
hi – 19apr
Hi. Anyone who has not received some sort of ballot or ballot reminder from ALA and was expecting one, feel free to email me via the contact form and we can still get you an electronic ballot today or tomorrow.
hi – 18apr
Hi. Today officially kicks off National Library Week. I don’t know about you, but where I live libraries are closed on Sundays, as are most liquor stores and about 90% of everything else that isn’t church. I had a crazy weekend in a good way. Gave two talks [or one talk twice] met some excellent librarians and library students and went to BloggerCon. Jessica has a few good notes. I had a good time there & learned some things, but felt overwhlemed trying to have a “conversation” with 30-40 people in the room, even though I fend for myself okay in such situations. More fun was lunch with some folks afterwards where we rehashed and debriefed about how we felt about the session, and blogs in general. Most fun was meeting all the excited happy Simmons students, friends, professors and others who came up and said hi before and after my talks. It’s great to see people so enthusiastic about the profession, and good to have some good things to say to them.