Hi. I’m completely exhausted. We helped the Gilbert Hart Library in Wallingford reshelve their entire non-fiction section into their new addition. Five of us shelved a few thousand books — only approximately in order, shelf reading comes next — in four hours. Then our library director took us out for ice cream at the local filling station.
Category: hi
hi – 09may
Hi. I’m spending the entire morning reading about HIPAA. Part of the talk I’m giving at MLA will be about this legislation and the affect it has on medical librarians. The rest is on the USA PATRIOT Act and CIPA. HIPAA is my weakest area so I’m reading up. If any health or medical librarians would like to send me words of wisdom about their personal dealings with HIPAA, I’d really appreciate it.
hi – 07may
Hi. There’s a part-time job at a nearby library here in Vermont. It’s 14 hours a week with pay “depending on experience” at a library that is open 17 hours a week. I’m going to try applying for it anyhow. What are the chances that the hourly pay is in the double-digits? Incidentally, someone asked if I ever have librarian.net t-shirts using that little favicon lady that some of you may have seen. The answer is that I might. Stay tuned.
hi – 05may
Hi. Yesterday was Greg’s birthday. It was also the day the Movable Type version of this blog hit 500 posts. I am sure when I am someday holed up with a broken leg, I will go backwards and post-process all the pre-2003 content so it’s searchable and keyworded and whatnot. For now, I’m just elated that it all works.
hi – 29apr
Hi. I taught 12 seniors how to use email yesterday. Then I taught a searching class on our Heritage Quest database. Showed a patron what an ISBN was and how it works. Sent out 20 thank-you letters to people who signed up for library cards last week. Got an IM handle for the library [add rutlandfree to your buddy list]. Learned how to change the colors on our ugly OPAC. Friday I’m on the reference desk all day. It’s been a good week to be a librarian.