Hi. It’s taken me a while to get back on track after travelling. I got some good feedback on my talk from various ALA members and others and am hoping to use it even more in the future. I have also been invited to give a talk on “Emerging Technologies” for a group called Librarians of the Upper Valley [aka LUV] which is the area I live in. I am planning to talk about “technologies” such as voice mail, email, and good signage in addition to more nouvelle tech such as IM, blogs and “ask a librarian” web site features.
Category: hi
hi – 26may
Hi. I’m back at work and doing a bunch of things: preparing for doing some IM reference here [a lot of staff education], getting a GLBT display ready for next month, and finding more ways to get teens into the library, or get the library to teens. Anyone has useful advice, please send it my way.
hi – 23may
Hi. I’m at a wireless cafe down the street from the MLA Conference. The talk went really well [I thought] and you can read my hyperlinked notes online here.
hi – 22may
Hi. I’m staying outside of DC with friends. My MLA talk is tomorrow at 2 pm and I’m still putting the last parts of it together. If you happen to be going, please stop by and say hello.
hi – 18may
Hi. Busy week around here as I prepare to drive down to DC. I am currently waging a war against the people at librarymarketinglist.com who I can confirm are selling my email address to spammers. I just wrote them to ask how I could go about removing my email from their list, we’ll see how far I can get.