Hi. I received a very nice and sincere apology from the bad-review lady, in case anyone is wondering, and I’m sorry she decided to take her blog down, a move which I neither suggested nor desire. I wrote her back saying that while I admire people who speak their mind, in a small community like ours sometimes discretion is the better part of writing in a public forum. And, as someone who has gotten some serious hell for shooting my mouth off online, I certainly sympathize. I’m off to the Vermont Bloggercon, I’ll let you know how it goes.
Category: hi
hi – 14oct
Hi. Welcome Seven Days readers! I’m taking my folks on some last-gasp foliage tours this weekend so don’t expect to hear much from me for a few days.
hi – 13oct
Hi. I appear to be allergic to leaves, or something else about this wonderful weather. I’ve been home sick for a day or so — sick like no-typing sick — but I’m on the mend and have managed to toss up a few pictures from the Fall Tour of Libraries that Andrea and Corey and I went on this weekend.
hi – 05oct
Hi. I was invited to go to the ALA’s Office for Information Technology Policy’s Workshop on Libraries and the Information Commons today. It’s in Cerritos CA at the end of the month and I’m going to try to make it. If anyone else is going or has some pointers for Info-Commons type stuff to read in the meantime, please let me know about it. I’ll be starting with the Washington Office’s Issues Page first of all.
hi – 01oct
Hi. I’m off for a long weekend. If anyone is interested in checking out the Fall Tour of Libraries next weekend, seeing Bernie Sanders grousing about the USA PATRIOT Act in the evening, and hanging out with me and bookmarklet co-conspirator Andrea, drop me a line.