Hi, I’m back and testing the new server I’m on. After all that wifi whining and winning, my laptop’s new logic board dropped dead on me Tuesday afternoon, so sorry no more local posting. I’ll do some summarizing of Council activities once I’m home from work.
Category: hi
hi – 29dec
Hi. I’m finalizing my schedule for ALA and it’s online here. I’ll be doing a little presentation at the Radical Reference Skill-Sharing workshops which I think is going to be a nifty little worthwhile program. If you’re interested in Radical Reference, there’s a get together on Saturday night during the conference
hi – 27dec
Hi. Tom Robbins once dedicated a book “to all those whose letters I haven’t answered” and I am feeling the same way around here. I’ve been away for a few days doing holiday stuff with family and friends. I’ve been slackerly about posting some of the great links I’ve been getting from you all. I’ve been reading fewer of my feeds because my laptop is in the shop and I much prefer NetNewsWire to Feedster or Bloglines for my RSS fix. I’m focusing on getting my schedule straight for the upcoming ALA conference and getting some presentations together for some upcoming talks. I was so nervous about the talk I gave this month to the new librarians that I really prepared the heck out of the talk I gave, and I think the effort paid off well. Anyone who is going to be in Boston for ALA or who reads this and is just in Boston anyhow, please drop me a line.
hi – 21dec
Hi and Happy Solstice. The days just start getting longer, starting now. I’ve been spending some time mulling over the various responses to the Google/Libraries news from last week, including Karen’s reprinting of Mark Rosenzweig’s comments with some of her own, Rory, and Chuck. While I don’t have a manifesto-worthy response of my own, I just want to point out that most of the issues that are wrapped up in this one event — issues like privacy, commercialization of information, ownership of information, copyright and the future of libraries — have already been playing themselves out, in smaller ways, in libraries everywhere. The fact that one publicly-traded company has been able to use their vast resources to leverage co-operation with prestigious libraries just forces us to examine a lot of these issues together, and all at once. Learn why this issue matters, and then tell your collegagues and friends.
hi – 13dec
Hi. I’m back at my house finally. I’ll be saving the big reunion with my boyfriend until he gets back from my place up North which has done some freezing during my absence. Last night I slept for 14 hours which I think was the first time I have ever done that without being sick, possibly ever. A lot has happened while I was away: blog ethics discussions, a neat blogging at ALA project [I’ll be doing my same old thing here, fyi, I think Steven has the project well-covered and there was talk of a “be nice” agreement that wasn’t my style], and my pals Dan and Jeremy are sending around a draft of a paper they’re working on called Service Autodiscovery for Rapid Information Movement [check it out, I swear it’s relevant]. I’ve been doing almost no blog reading or feed-checking in two weeks, so I’ll be getting up to speed slowly over the next few days.
update: apparently I literally interpreted what was supposed to be a figurative [and off the record] statement by Steven, damned IM and its lack of shaded nuance. The so-called “be nice” waiver that he mentioned people would have to sign was more about preventing libel and less about content restrictions and doesn’t exist yet in any case. My main interest at this point is working on an aggregator that will collate all the posts from any and all ALA attendees or interested parties who are blogging at the event or from home, sort of like how the DNC blog worked. IM or email me if you want to chat more about any of this.