hi – 04feb

Hi. I’m heading to New York City tomorrow for a five day working vacation. Normally at this point I’d say “If you want to have a cup of coffee, IM me!” but my time looks like it’s pretty well spoken for this time around.

Posted in hi

hi – 02feb

Hi. The cost of health insurance at my library has gone up by double-digit percentages for the past two years. My pay has increased slightly, but nowhere near this much. As a result, I am now taking home less money this year than I was last year, even though I have one more year of experience. The taxpayers are paying the same amount, yet more of it is going to my insurers than to me. This is not sustainable. What do you think will happen?

Posted in hi

hi – 27jan

Hi. I’m messing with my feeds today and starting to move more towards using the XML version of the feed instead of the RDF. In any case, Bloglines has been reporting some versions of this feed [they have several] as unreachable. However, this feed is very much alive, poke around til you find another one.

Posted in hi

hi – 26jan

Hi. The reason I was curious about the things you can do without your gadgets is because my laptop broke while I was at ALA. I have a back-up laptop, but I learned in a hurry which things I do are laptop-specific. I had only an old copy of my postal-address book on my iPod, my “what I’ve read” RSS feed list was out of wack [I use Bloglines for back-up but NetNewsWire for regular reading], my IM client was ugly and my control key was in the wrong place. Otherwise, mostly not horrible which was good news. I try to have a set of tools that will work in a long power failure in addition to all the lovely blinky beepy widgetry that fills my office.

Posted in hi