Hi. I’ve added a wonderful little WordPress plugin called WP-CC that allows me to put a Creative Commons license on every page as a link [see icon at the bottom] and also machine readable code in the header of the HTML.
Category: hi
hi – 12mar
I’m starting a list on my site of new library blogs I find in my day to day surfing. I’ll do some sort of linkdump to the rss feed from time to time, but for now the last ten library blogs I’ve seen and liked will be here on the sidebar.
hi – 10mar
Hi. I’ve added a techinfo page that details all the little modifications I’ve done to a standard WordPress install to arrive at the site looking like this. Please note there’s a style-switcher for those of you who read the site via its web page. If you find this style too hard to read, or too ugly, you can go to the Look&Feel section and pick a more standard layout. This will set a cookie on your machine so you’ll never have to think about this layout again unless you view it with a different browser. It took all of two minutes to work this out, WordPress has been a delight to use so far.
hi – 07mar
Hi. If you can read this you’re reading the new RSS feed and all my redirects and handwringing and very polite emails to tech support paid off. My short to do list at this point is to make a larger-print version of this site on the web page, catch up with my backlog of links and move over the static content from the old site. All permalinks are working. All old permalinks are working. All 1000+ posts are here and searchable. Let me know if anything isn’t working for you.
hi – 04mar
Hi. I am trying out WordPress as a CMS for librarian.net, so you may notice some odd goings-on over the next few days as I shift all non-blog content over. I figured that people still reading the site the old-fashioned way might want something nice to look at, so while I learn the interface, I’m using an edited “theme” which I’m actually pretty fond of. I know the fonts are a little teeny, I’ll be adding a style-switcher so that there is an easy-read version of this site in addition to this one. You will also notice post titles which had previously only been noticed by RSS readers. Here are things you should not notice after this weekend: broken permalinks, broken links generally, or long miserable URLs. Give me a few days to get all the bugs worked out and then please drop me a line if anything is wretched, lost, suprememly ugly, or hard to use.