Hi. I went to the Somerville Public Library on Buy Nothing Day (this past Friday) and it was closed up tight. As I sat outside enjoying the sunshine, I must have seen fifteen people go up to the front door and try to open it. I understand why the library is closed on Thanksgiving, I would have been concerned if it hadn’t been. But, except as an extreme cost-cutting maneuver, being closed the day after Thanksgiving seems to be a bad customer service move. People are home from work, kids are home from school. Everyone is out and about. Balancing a happy staff with a happy patron base I’m sure is always a challenge, but I was still sad to not be able to go to the library on Friday. More on my holiday weekends, my haircut, and some digitial divide hurdling on my personal site.
Category: hi
hi – 23nov
Hi. I’m away for the holidays visiting familly in Massachusetts. I’m having lunch today with one of my favorite local librarians who is leaving her job. I’ve been working on a 3500 word essay for CounterPoise about the digital divide, so I’ve been scarce around here but I have been sneaking peeks at the Librarian Trading Cards pool as it grows over at Flickr. Fun, and not just the usual library blogger suspects. Invite your friends and librarians
my talk at UAZ SIRLS
I’m back from Tucson/Phoenix. I had a great time getting to spend the day with the students and faculty of the University of Arizona School of Information Resources and Library Science. I gave a variant of my digital divide talk The Information Poor & the Information Don’t Care Small Libraries and the Digital Divide (the notes look the same but all the talks are really really different). While I was in Arizona I also got to see the downtown branch of the Phoenix Public Library, the North Valley Regional Library (my first big suburban library!) and the Tucson Pima Public Library. I also did a quick walk around the University of Arizona library but got quickly distracted by the amazing art exhibit Reading Our Remains (waxed and sliced books, fascinating) and didn’t take a lot of other pictures.
hi – 11nov
Hi. I’m in Phoenix today, giving a talk tomorrow at University of Arizona’s SIRLS Graduate Student Symposium. Yesterday we did what I always do in new places, went to the library. We saw my friends’ suburban library the North Valley Regional Library and also the Burton Barr Central Library in Phoenix. I have a bunch of observations, it was a lesson in compare and contrast, but I’ll just link to a photo I took in the Phoenix public library parking lot.
hi – 06nov
Hi. I’ve been reading Jakob Nielsen’s Homepage Usability book and have made some modifications to my sidebar to make some of my stuff a little more findable. Any of you rss readers who wants to remind themselves about the lovely orangeness of my home page, here’s a link: librarian.net. My to do list includes getting some solid archive links up, and getting my tag cloud visible. The current incarnation of the tag cloud just shows my top ten tags which, while interesting, doesn’t tell the whole story.